
How to use science to make sense of marketing


1. Measurement

2. Statistical Methods

3. Communication + Verification

4. Testing + Observation


Science is defined as:
"A Systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions." 


It's possible to combine the best practices of design, software development and content strategy to create better marketing through science. The goal is to help you make smarter decisions based on real-world data.




The accurate measurement of marketing factors offers a competitive advantage.  There's no need to make guesses when you have actionable data.  

Modern navigation became possible after Tycho Brahe invented instruments for measuring angles between stars in the 16th century. That's how we want to push the boundaries of marketing science. 


Metrics and analytics are critical to developing an effective online marketing strategy. Boxter has created systems and metrics like BOATS and DWARFS to enable a framework for objective discussion. Our reports give you actionable guidelines that actually make sense.

Statistical Methods


By applying statistical methodology to content strategy we are able to back up recommendations with hard numbers. Mathematical techniques for summarizing and analyzing data allow us to assess the level of reliability and the range of variation in experimental results.

Numbers tell a story. 

In 1786 William Playfair introduced the idea of graphical representation of statistics by inventing the line chart, bar chart and histogram.

Marketing reports should provide a way to visualize statistical data based on market research. By setting marketing goals based on a calculated return on investment (ROI) you are able to increase the chances of success. Boxter developed the SAIL system to solve this problem and help companies grow online.  
Learn how more in this white paper
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Intersubjective Verifiability


How Boxter provides a framework to talk about marketing logically


Intersubjective = The capacity of a concept to be readily and accurately communicated between different individuals.


Verifiability = To be reproduced under varying circumstances for the purposes of verification. 


It's important to be able to discuss online marketing in terms that everyone can understand. Once you are able to make sense of marketing pain points, it allows a company to make smarter decisions. 


"All our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike — and yet it is the most precious thing we have."
-Albert Einstein


- Empiricism -

Knowledge is created though testing and observation. Empiricism asserts that "knowledge is based on experience". 

Empiricism emphasizes evidence based on testing. All hypotheses and theories must be tested against observations in the real world, instead of just guesses and intuition. Experience and observations guide empirical research at Boxter.


We evaluate more than just website traffic. The analysis of market research, content, website infrastructure and competitors provides a higher level perspective.


Learn more about how Boxter's SAIL system and metrics offers a unique advantage with BOATS and DWARFS. These tools provide insight that helps you make smarter decisions based on real-world data.


"If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties."
—Francis Bacon (1605) The Advancement of Learning, Book 1, v, 8



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